New Earth Healing
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New Earth Healing
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Contact Me
Please be aware that I receive a high amount of messages, so it may take me time to respond.
I recommend checking to see if I have covered your enquiry by exploring my CDS blog posts (here) which cover a large amount of information.
Secondly, if you require a fast answer I recommend trying the MMS Forum (here), which covers MMS and CDS questions.
Information from this website, including videos, graphics, images, and pages (“content”) is entirely for informational purposes only. Uses of this information are entirely the responsibility of those who choose to apply this information for their personal health and/or wellbeing. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you many have regarding a medical condition. This information is not intended as medical advice, prescription, prognosis, treatment or diagnosis for any disease or illness, and should not be used as a replacement for any medical treatment you may currently be undergoing.
This site does contain some affiliate links. You do not pay more to buy from my links, but I get a small commission to help support my family if you do use them. I only affiliate to products I wholeheartedly recommend and use myself. Sending you much gratitude in advance for any purchases you make with my links.
Personal statement:
I, Karen Richardson, am a private civilian protected by the Geneva Convention. My social media and websites https://www.new-earth-healing.com/ and http://healing-with-frequency.com are based on my personal experiences, observations and opinions.
This information is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor and I am not providing legal or medical advice to you or to the wider public.
The responsibility for the interpretation, due diligence and use of the information from my websites or social media lies with you, the viewer and reader.
Please do your research and use your discernment.
It is not my intention to harass, intimidate, offend, defame, mislead, conspire, coerce or cause anxiety, alarm or distress to any man or woman.
Any information presented here is done so with peaceful and honourable intentions.
Created by Karen Richardson New Earth Healing ©2024