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Healing Library Blog Posts
March 20, 2021 · Hidden Healing Remedies,Cancer,DetoxNo More Disease? If someone showed you something that could eradicate all dis-ease that allowed...January 8, 2025The New Plandemic. It seems that the new plandemic is underway, and the Covid media playbook is...July 23, 2024 · Root Causes,Cancer,DetoxJust lately, I've really been down the rabbit hole of "what really is the root cause of disease.....June 13, 2024 · Hidden Healing Remedies,ArthritisThe Borax Conspiracy Walter Last Note: This is a long read, I have added a downloadable PDF...May 29, 2024 · Healing Technology,Hidden Healing RemediesThe Tesla High Frequency Violet Ray Device Every hospital on the planet used to have Tesla...February 28, 2024 · Hidden Healing Remedies,Healing Technology,Heart Health,StrokeSo before I get into this article, I can already hear the naysayers - "It wasn't a stroke then" ...November 12, 2023 · Hidden Healing Remedies,Detox,CancerOestrogen dominance has become a real problem in our society. Excess oestrogen comes from the...September 16, 2023 · Hidden Healing Remedies,Detox,CancerSome of you may or may not have heard of Barbara O'Neill. A wonderful Australian lady, who has...August 2, 2023 · EMF,Healing Technology,CancerIn today's world, more than ever, we have so many more concerns when it comes to raising our...March 21, 2023I have always been fascinated by our inner power and how it can be directed to create, manifest...March 7, 2023 · Healing Technology,Hidden Healing RemediesA few years ago, my social feeds started buzzing about a new wellness gadget—the Terahertz Wand....March 3, 2023 · Root Causes,Heart Health,CancerIf there was one thing I would say to drop from your diet immediately, it would be seed &...February 16, 2023 · Stroke,Hidden Healing Remedies,Arthritis,Heart HealthDMSO - A Life Saver (Literally) In 2020 I made a decision to become 100% responsible for the...May 15, 2022 · Hidden Healing Remedies,Heart Health,StrokeA rather unsurprising but direct correlation in blood and heart issues has arisen from those who...January 23, 20222022 is calling us to heal How you receive everything that shows up in your experience is...December 1, 2021 · Hidden Healing Remedies,Arthritis,Heart Health,StrokeMagnesium is possibly THE most underrated yet the most important mineral that is lacking from our...November 30, 2021 · Hidden Healing RemediesWe stand in horror with you if you find yourself being backed into a corner and a vaccine is...September 24, 2021 · Hidden Healing RemediesI have seen people tie themselves in knots over making CDS. It really is very simple, and below...September 23, 2021 · Hidden Healing Remedies,Healing TechnologyA wonderful new documentary on the benefits of Chlorine Dioxide, and how it helps you to heal...September 17, 2021 · Hidden Healing RemediesI wanted to share this note from Andreas Kalcker who is the Doctor and Scientist who has been...More Posts
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Personal statement:
I, Karen Richardson, am a private civilian protected by the Geneva Convention. My social media and websites https://www.new-earth-healing.com/ and http://healing-with-frequency.com are based on my personal experiences, observations and opinions.
This information is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor and I am not providing legal or medical advice to you or to the wider public.
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Any information presented here is done so with peaceful and honourable intentions.
Created by Karen Richardson New Earth Healing ©2024