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Tesla Violet Ray

Where can you find this technology today?

May 29, 2024

The Tesla High Frequency Violet Ray Device

Every hospital on the planet used to have Tesla derived frequency devices to heal everything. They have now been written out of history….

The Violet Ray machine, a healing device created by Nikola Tesla and improved upon by Dr Jacques D'Arsonval.

The Violet Ray was very common in the late 1800 to early 1900's up until around 1950. Used by Doctors to treat an array of issues, and was also commonly found in hairdressers and the homes of the wealthy.

Tesla recommended the violet Ray for many ailments, even hair regrowth.

Jacques-Arsène d’Arsonval, pioneer in the field of electrotherapy, agreed. He modified Tesla’s device to create an electrotherapy instrument and it was not long before a rush of companies began promoting their own versions under the name “Violet Ray.”

Violet rays were popular in the early 1900s. At that time a device cost the equivalent of about $4,000 today. There were many companies making them, but the last one was driven out of business by Big Pharma’s FDA in the 1950s.

Thankfully the technology has not been lost and modern versions are available like the Blue Ray high frequency device.

How does it work?

The Violet Ray floods the ailing area of your body with oxygen, stimulating pain relief, healing and better sleep. It helps reactivate your cells ability to heal and restore balance. The ozone that is emitted while the violet ray is working also kills any pathogens.

The violet ray can stimulate growth and healing in your body through its electron flow. Tesla recommended it for many ailments, even hair regrowth. The violet ray can also kill microorganisms, such as those causing acne, a sore throat, toothache and athlete’s foot. It typically can permeate a half inch or so beneath the skin.

Within a few minutes of application many report positive effects, from instant pain relief, return of eyesight, hair regrowth, restored feeling in nerve damaged areas etc.

Violet ray generators were initially sold in the early 1900s (1915 onwards) up until the 1950s. Dr Jacques Arsene D'Arsonval  agreed with Tesla's findings of how the Violet Ray had many healing benefits, and modified Tesla's equipment from 1893 so that it was much safer for human use, and small machines were made for home and portable use for physicians, with attachments for orifices and external use

For a deeper understanding of this machine, please download the free Violet Ray book.

Edgar Cayce on the Violet Ray

Several interesting aspects of the Violet Ray noted in the readings of Edgar Cayce include:

"Its strengthening effect on the body, enlivening the nervous system, “cleansing the blood stream itself”, and consequently bringing the body into better balance."

In another reading, Cayce seemed to equate electricity from the violet ray with the life force itself:

“It has a stimuli of the very low form of electrical forces, or "added life" as it were.” These comments, almost inserted as an afterthought, have profound meaning, inviting further contemplation.


Healing Benefits

These high frequency devices can stimulate growth and healing in your body through their electron flow.

It typically can permeate a half inch or so beneath the skin. Here are more benefits:

  1. Pain relief
  2. Relieves toothache
  3. Hair regrowth
  4. Re-energizes you
  5. Helps heal acne and blemishes
  6. Accelerates wound healing. (do not use directly on wound but surrounding area)
  7. Stimulates blood flow and improves blood circulation
  8. Anti-aging
  9. Helps heal scar tissue
  10. Improves lymph activity
  11. Nourishes skin
  12. Enhances cell metabolism
  13. Calms inflammation
  14. Sterilizes bacteria

Own This Technology

I have made it my mission to find a device like the Tesla violet ray that I believe is affordable for you.

I have found 2 options for you. A Violet Ray using the original Argon gas in the device emitting the famous violet glow and secondly I can introduce you to the Blue Ray.

The Blue Ray also has combined argon gas and neon gas in it’s electrode wands to produce a blue colour. With the historic Violet Ray machines, you would need to choose between using Argon Gas which glows in the famous violet colour or Neon Gas which glows orange.

Both gases have unique healing properties. Argon is recognised as reducing inflammation, while Neon revitalises and rejuvenates.

This Blue Ray (named after Dr Jacques D'arsonval who improved upon Tesla's original violet ray model) the two gases are combined, giving optimal healing. As a result the electrodes glow blue.

The Blue Ray also emits Ozone that can penetrate up to an inch into the body that sterilizes pathogens (as did the original Violet Ray).

If you would like to own one of these devices, you can purchase them here.

I hope that this device meets your needs and you get much pain relief and healing when using it for yourself or others.



1. The Blue Ray Device is a certified household device, it is not a medical device. It has been certified “safe to use” and it emits no harmful radiation.

2. No information shared here is to be considered medical advice, but for educational purposes only.

3. Please make sure to read the contraindications and keep them in mind when using the device

A. Do not use this device on any metal implants, nor on anyone who has a pacemaker

B. Do not use this device on any open wounds.

C. It is contraindicated for people with congenital heart disease and acute diseases.

4. It is contraindicated for menstruation and pregnancy.

5. Use the device at your own risk

6. It is best to start slow with the device and gradually increase time.

7. Always consult your healthcare professional with any questions regarding any medical condition or specific guidance regarding the optimal use of the device.